Monday, 15 October 2012

Welcome Back for Term 4

Term 4 in the library is shaping up to be very busy from start to finish.

This term in library lessons the children will continue learning how to be more skilled with age appropriate computer applications, take part in cybersafety lessons and learn how to use the library inquiry database to locate books and research information. As always too, stories and books related to lessons will be shared and enjoyed with the children.
Mid Term 4, as part of library / computer lessons, Children in years 2 to 6 will also be taking part in the online ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) Progressive Achievement Tests as part of St Patrick’s data collection and assessment program. The online assessments for reading comprehension, vocabulary and mathematics will provide assessment data for teachers which will be used for planning purposes for 2013.  

Woolworths Earn and Learn and Coles Sport For Schools

Many thanks to everyone who collected and returned the Coles Sports for School and Woolworths Earn and Learn Vouchers last term. Thanks to the effort of the school community, St Patrick’s had a total of 39000 Coles voucher points and a 73000 Woolworths voucher points. In the last two weeks I have been having great fun over many hours online shopping to redeem the points for sport and school resources. With such a large amount of points to use, St Patrick’s sport shed, classrooms and library have been well resourced again for 2013. As in previous years, I have ordered a wide variety of equipment and resources that the school needs to update on a yearly basis as well as ordering new items that will be able to be used in the school for years to come.
Once again, thank you very much to the school community for your support with these initiatives.

1 comment:

  1. ha mrd already boght coles vouches for the school
