Tuesday, 17 June 2014

2014 Book of the Year Short List


Each year, Term 3 lessons in the library are dedicated to the CBCA short listed book of the year award texts. The children read and have read to them a variety of books from the short listed categories Book of the Year Early Childhood, Picture Book, Information and Young Reader. Lessons focus on text features, themes, visual literacy and appreciation of quality literature.
After reading a book at the beginning of the lesson, the children then take part in ICT lessons based on the book read, using the school computer lab, laptops and ipads. Also, as part of the terms work, the whole school community takes part in the Book Week Parade and Book Fair. Much fun is had by everyone!
This years theme for Children's Book Week is "Connect to Reading." Book Week runs from August 16th to 22nd. During this time the Scholastic Book Fair will be set up in the school library. Children and parents are able to choose and purchase books, posters and a variety of other things.

Visit the CBCA website to view the short listed books. Click the link below. The link can also be found in the Gate21 library virtual classroom.

CBCA Website