Sunday, 19 August 2012

Book Parade A Great Success

The book character parade on Friday 17th August was a terrific way to start Book Week celebrations. Students and staff joined in the spirit of the day dressing up as characters from many different books. Book Council of Australia short listed books were popular for costume inspiration. 
 The Last Viking proved a hit with quite a few children and Mr Dilley, all dressing up as Viking warriors and The Dream of The Thylacine story was turned into a walking book by Joel Benkoe and his family. Very creative!!
As always, there were lots of princesses and fairies. Spiderman, Batman and the Hulk made an appearance. Little Red Riding Hood and other fairytale characters were popular. Where's Wally was spotted a few times as were some Kindergarten teachers impersonating blue Smurfs.
Great fun was had by all.
Post a comment saying what you thought of the Book Week Parade.

And......Don't forget that the Scholastic Book Fair is on this week. So pop into the library, have a look and perhaps buy a book.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Book Week

With Book Week only two weeks away, the excitement is building as teachers and children discuss favourite books and characters. Creating and organising costumes for the parade on Friday 17th August is a high priority for the children and staff. Past book character parades have been lots of fun with wonderful costumes on display. Some families go to very creative lengths to stand out as these two photos show.

What is a favourite book of yours? Who would you like to dress up as?

Cyber Safety

A brand new cyber safety website for parents and their children is being launched by the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle’s Catholic Schools Office (CSO) this week, to ensure parents are well informed when it comes to the internet and have access to user-friendly information, links and resources from one central point.
The site aims to inform all parents including those from the CSO’s 55 schools, on ways they can be proactive and cyber savvy whilst also ensuring their children are educated to use the internet safely and are aware of the consequences if they don’t. View the site and learn more about cyber safety at the following link.